The rectum is the lower part of the colon that connects the large bowel to the anus. The rectum’s primary function is to store formed stool in preparation for evacuation
Causes----Rectal cancer usually develops over several years, first growing as a pre-cancerous growth called a polyp. Some polyps have the ability to turn into cancer and begin to grow and penetrate the wall of the rectum.
The actual cause of rectal cancer is unclear. However, the following are risk factors for developing rectal cancer:
·         Increasing age
·         Smoking
·         Family history of colon or rectal cancer
·         Diet high in red and processed meat
·         Personal or family history of polyps or colorectal cancer
·         Inactivity
·         Obesity
·         Alcohol consumption


Common symptoms include:
·         A change in your bowel habits, such as diarrhea, constipation or more-frequent bowel movements
·         Dark or red blood in stool
·         Mucus in stool
·         Narrow stool
·         Abdominal pain
·         Painful bowel movements
·         Iron deficiency anemia
·         A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely
·         Unexplained weight loss
·         Weakness or fatigue

Risk factors

The characteristics and lifestyle factors that increase your risk of rectal cancer are the same as those that increase your risk of colon cancer. They include:
Older age. The great majority of people diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer are older than 50. Colorectal cancer can occur in younger people, but it occurs much less frequently.
African-American descent. People of African ancestry born in the United States have a greater risk of colorectal cancer than do people of European ancestry.
A personal history of colorectal cancer or polyps. If you've already had rectal cancer, colon cancer or adenomatous polyps, you have a greater risk of colorectal cancer in the future.
Inflammatory bowel disease. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon and rectum, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, increase your risk of colorectal cancer.
Inherited syndromes that increase colorectal cancer risk. Genetic syndromes passed through generations of your family can increase your risk of colorectal cancer. These syndromes include FAP and HNPCC.
Family history of colorectal cancer. You're more likely to develop colorectal cancer if you have a parent, sibling or child with the disease. If more than one family member has colon cancer or rectal cancer, your risk is even greater.
Dietary factors. Colorectal cancer may be associated with a diet low in vegetables and high in red meat, particularly when the meat is charred or well-done.
A sedentary lifestyle. If you're inactive, you're more likely to develop colorectal cancer. Getting regular physical activity may reduce your risk of colon cancer.
Diabetes. People with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance may have an increased risk of colorectal cancer.
Obesity. People who are obese have an increased risk of colorectal cancer and an increased risk of dying of colon or rectal cancer when compared with people considered normal weight.
Smoking. People who smoke may have an increased risk of colon cancer.
Alcohol. Regularly drinking more than three alcoholic beverages a week may increase your risk of colorectal cancer.
Radiation therapy for previous cancer. Radiation therapy directed at the abdomen to treat previous cancers may increase the risk of colorectal cance

Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world.Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When rectal cancer  is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.
CARCINOSIN 200- Start treatment with this remedy.

ALUMINA 30—Alumina is one of the top remedies for colorectal cancer. Severe constipation is the marked feature in such cases. The stools are hard, dry, knotty , which may remain in the rectum for long periods without desire to pass stool. Even a soft stool is passed with great difficulty. The patient has to strain a great to pass stool. The evacuation preceded by painful urging long before and then straining at stool.

ALOEO SOCORINA 30-Aloes is another effective medicine for colorectal cancer. Aloes is prescribed where persistent painful diarrhea is present. The stool is preceded with cutting pain in rectum and lot of mucus with pain in rectum after stool. There is a sense of insecurity in rectum . The stool passes without effort, almost unnoticed. The stool may contain blood, mucus with burning in anus. Abdomen feels full, heavy, hot and bloated. Severe weakness after stool.

CARDUS MARIANUS Q---Profuse diarrhea due to rectal cancer.

HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 200-----Hydrastis can is another excellent remedy for colorectal cancer with constipation. There is a sinking feeling in stomach with constipation. There is bleeding from bowel.  Raw smarting pain in the rectum during stool , remaining long afterwards. Sometimes there may be inflammation of rectum.

MERCURIUS SOL. 200-----Rectal tenesmus with tenesmus of bladder. Slimy, bloody stools passes with colic and fainting. Great tenesmus during and after stool,  not relieved by stool. Followed by chilliness and a cannot finish sensation.
Alternate Hydrastis Canadensis and Mercurius sol for better result.

NITRIC ACID 30-Nitric acid is best for colorectal cancer with profuse bleeding of bright red blood during stool. There is violent cutting pain in rectum , which continues many hours after stool. Due to pain the patient walks in agony. The bowels constipated with fissures in rectum. For passing stool the patient straining much, but little passes.

RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30-Ruta is prescribed for colorectal cancer where carcinoma affected the lower bowel with a feeling of extreme weakness and despair. Constipation alternating with mucus, frothy stools, discharge of blood with stool. Frequent unsuccessful urging to stool.

SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS 30---A specific remedy for rectal cancer. Alternate diarrhea and constipation. Colic followed by diarrhea. Ineffectual urging to stool, then vomiting.

SEPIA 30—Sepia is effective for colorectal cancer with obstinate constipation.There is a feeling of weight or ball in rectum which is not relieved by stool. There is bleeding during stool with fullness of rectum. Constipation with no urging for days. Costipation with large, hard stools, cannot strain with great tenesmus. Pain shoot up in rectum during stool. There may be sometimes prolapsed of rectum may be seen. Pain in abdomen, which is better while drawing limbs up.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30---Chronic diarrhea, worse after breakfast. Moisture oozing from anus. Constipation with violent rectal pain, causing stool to recede.

VERATRUM ALBUM 200---Involuntary stool. Watery , green, odorless, or colorless , stools ,  mixed with flakes , cold sweat on forehead during and prostration after.


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